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I’m Getting Back on My Horse

Jason’s Story

Jason inspired the ChangingGears team as he shared his story the day he purchased his 2009 Toyota Camry. He kept it simple. Jason had made some decisions that led him to “fall off his horse”. Jason happens to have a sister who works at CityLink who encouraged him to get connected with their resources for a fresh start. Jason was full of perseverance to get back on his feet.

Creating a fresh start is HARD WORK but Jason didn’t shy away from the challenge. Jason shared that with the help of CityLink and ChangingGears he was able to get back on his horse. He went through the CEO program at CityLink which helps people who have been impacted by the legal system get full time employment. After going through that program, he was able to purchase his car from ChangingGears to help him get to and from his third shift job easily. 

The wonderful thing about this story is that Jason knows he’s not alone and he’s not the only one facing struggles. Jason is truly inspiring because we have all fallen off of our horse in different ways and he is such a beautiful picture of what it looks like to have a village come around you and we know he will be a part of that village for someone else. At ChangingGears, we believe that as we help each other people will have the FREEDOM to accomplish their dreams. We hope Jason will be able to accomplish his dreams with his new car!